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the Virtual Tour

Nyros VR is BIM modelling that focusses on the representation of a project or concept in Virtual Reality.


Done are the days of imagining from plans.


Everything can be changed in real-time.

Swap a material, add a window or take away a wall.

All in the blink of an eye.


A virtual tour will help you choose materials, colours and design. But you can also completely change walls or roofs.

Or focus solely on interior design.


Virtual Reality Goggles
Home design


Create the perfect space.


Get a feeling for a room.

Make a space lighter by adding a window, or give it an open feeling by taking away a wall. 


With help of a realistic sun that changes depending on project geo-location & time of year, together with foto-realistic materials, you can make changes until you achieve the space you envisioned. 

Building plans


Outside of visualizing of projects we also help in realising them.


With building plans ranging from building permits to construction via the norms of the Flemish environmental office (omvegingsloket vlaanderen)

Building Plans_edited.jpg
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